19 May 2020

Shakedown/TCC of 51 Rallye de Ferrol

A special Qualification Stage (TCC) for priority drivers will be held on Friday 21 August 2020. This test will be played on a road similar to those used in the timed sections of the rallye and will also serve to carry out the Shakedown for the rest of the teams that sign up for it.

Although these events are organised in accordance with the rules laid down in Art. 23 of the CERA 2020 Sports Regulations, it is recommended that the following particularities be taken into account:

Within the established schedule, the registered participants will be able to give the number of passes that they consider opportune.

Qualification Stage (TCC).
In accordance with Art. 3.1.5 of the CERA 2020 Sports Regulations, the Route Card for pilots participating in the TCC, will be given to them in their first pass by Shakedown.

Tyres used in the Qualification Stage (TCC) must comply with the rules of the CERA 2020 Sports Regulations, and will not be computed for the maximum limit of tires allowed in the test.

Once the TCC is over, the vehicles must be driven to the planned Parc Fermé, which will be located in the Service Zone at the FIMO Exhibition Centre and will remain there until it opens. Any assistance to vehicles from the end of the TCC until their arrival at the Parc Fermé is forbidden.

Registration fees
Both the teams that must carry out the Section of Qualification as those who wish to carry out the shakedown must apply by completing the section provided for that purpose in the registration form (via web). The amount of registration fees to Shakedown is set at 200 euros accepting the optional advertising of the Organizer. If such advertising is not accepted, the amount of registration fees will be 400 euros. These rights include participation in the TCC for those teams obliged to do so.





Wednesday 12/08/20
Shakedown, Closing Entries
Friday 21/08/20
10:00 to 10:30
10:30 to 12:00
12:15 to 12:45
Publication of list of participants and time of presentation in the C.H. of the TCC
Shakedown ALL TEAMS
Qualification Stage (TCC)
Publication Final Classification TCC
Parc Fermé Opening TCC and Choice of starting order for the 1st Stage


The information corresponding to the section of road chosen as Shakedown will be given during the delivery of documentation to the registered teams. The length of the chosen section is 3,170 Km.

Assistance zone:
The Service Area area planned for Shakedown is the same as for the rest of the rally.